Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith

worship beats statement of faith

Statement of Faith

What we believe at Worship Beats

While we do not believe in putting labels on a church, this is something that people seem to understand. In summary, as a church and a ministry, we could be considered to be a charismatic orthodox church that believes in the Bible. We believe that the Christian faith is one that is chosen by an individual and that by accepting Jesus as your Saviour you have a responsibility to look to the Bible as a guide on how to live your life.

Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Matthew 7:21


Statement of Faith:

We believe in God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. We believe that God the Father is at the centre with Jesus on His Righthand and the Holy Spirit is the living breath of God within us. 

We believe the Bible to be the inspired authoritative Word of God

We believe that Jesus was born of a Virgin, was punished, scarred and humiliated to pay for our sins. We believe that He died upon the Cross as a sacrifice for our sins. We believe that He rose again, bodily, on the third day to sit at the right hand of God.

We believe Jesus will return again, in body, to reclaim the world from Satan.

We believe on the Day of Judgement we will stand before Christ Jesus and he will intercede on our behalf to the Almighty God to give eternal life or he will turn his back on us to give eternal damnation.

We believe that sin does not pass through the generations and so we do not believe in original sin.

We believe that children are inherently innocent until of an age to make decisions. In our church that age of responsibility is 13. 

We believe in the baptism of water and baptism in Spirit. We undertake baptism from the age of 13.

We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.



These are the top topics we invariably get asked about.

Same-sex marriage

Marriage is not a Christian concept. There have been marriages in some form or another from way before the Christian faith. Society of all types tends to have some form of recognition for a stable relationship. This has mainly been between man and woman as it is the best environment for a child to be bought up in. 

Currently, the secular world has decided that marriage should also be between two people of the same sex. This is something that society can do if they wish. As such we respect a same-sex secular marriage in the same way as we would respect a marriage from any other society or faith. However, it is not a God blessed Christian marriage. As such we do not bless same-sex marriages and we do not conduct same-sex marriage.

We also abide by bible teachings and we teach against same-sex relationships when needed. As a church, we will never conduct a same-sex marriage or conduct a blessing of same-sex marriage.

We do not believe that a homosexual lifestyle is compatible with a Christian lifestyle.

Gender transformation

As a church, we believe that God created us perfectly and in the correct body. We do not believe that it is possible to change sex and live a fully Christian life as changing gender would be a denial of God’s most fundamental plan for us as an individual.

We do not believe in the use of puberty blocker drugs for children in order to aid the transition. Interfering with the natural body at puberty is counter-productive and prevents the body from naturally reinforcing the gender of birth. We believe the best cause of action for child gender dysphoria is ‘watchful waiting’ and not drug treatment. As such we campaign against the use of puberty blocker drugs for children.

All our activities are based on birth sex if segregation is needed. For example, the Girl Guides and others are happy to have boys in girls tents (and vice versa) if they self define as a girl. We do not permit this. In sleeping, changing, bathroom arrangement etc it is birth sex that determines who can go where.

In much the same way our girl and women groups are safe spaces for those born into that sex and men’s or boys groups are safe spaces for people born into that sex.

We do not believe that the safety, security and privacy of the vast majority should be overruled by a tiny, tiny minority. As such we campaign against, and will never abide by a self-defining gender law. We will always operate on genuine sex and gender basis – the gender as given to a person at birth as defined by their sex.


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